Thursday, March 25, 2010

iSpotSwap iPhone Application

When it comes to parking, it pays to ride a bike. Usually you can lock it on to any tree or post without concern about finding a "parking spot." But if you have to drive somewhere, especially in a crowded place, you could be wasting a lot of gas driving around for 15 minutes just to find a spot. And in parking lots, you might end up following a pedestrian around like a vulture so you can grab their spot as soon as they reach their car. Cutting down on that wasted fuel and emissions is important - as is the stalker-like feeling you get from going 3 miles an hour behind a pedestrian - and that's why we love phone apps that help us do it without effort. There's a brand new one out called iSpotSwap. It's brilliant! It lets you track down open spots, and tell others when your spot is about to be freed up so they can have it.

The Gadgeteer points us to iSpotSwap, a free app that is for iPhones but also has an Android version in the works.
With iSpotSwap, you can create a list of your favorite places to park, or select your current location and it tells you what spots are free or about to be free. When you park, you enter in your location and when you're planning on leaving, and others can be alerted to when the spot will free up. The extra bonus is the app will send you a reminder when your meter is about to run out, so you can avoid those pain in the neck tickets you get just minutes before arriving back to the car, and it also tells you where your car is and gives you directions back to it should you forget. Plus, it gives you an opportunity for good karma as you give other drivers a chance at a quick parking experience.
All said, a happier troop of drivers and less gas and emissions wasted driving in circles.

1 comment:

  1. Although this technology is aimed at cars there is obviously potential to be used to support our bicycle share network, possibly in the sense of keeping patrons updated and informed in real time of the amount of spaces and bikes at bays. This could help streamline the bicycle return process.
